Artclear Certificates

Permanent digital proof of facts about an individual work of art
Artclear Certificate


Artclear Fingerprint

Each Certificate is immutably linked to the physical artwork for easy re-identification.

Proof of Authenticity

Digitally signed by the artist, estate, or archive responsible for issuing the artwork.

Blockchain Secured

Securely stored on the blockchain; ensuring authenticity, provenance and much more.
Upgrade Options

Upgrade Options

Enhance your Artclear Certificate with a range of options, including the incorporation of ownership details, history, location, financial status, transfer agreements, and the option for seamless transfer to new owners via the Artclear mobile app.


  • Protect the integrity of your artists’ original work and copyright of editions and prints
  • Track and manage works out in the wild: prevent flipping, view transactions and improve collection of ARR and royalties
  • Facilitate secondary market at low cost
  • Reduce direct and indirect operating costs
Art gallery
Artclear Certificate
  • Protect the integrity of your original work and copyright of editions and prints
  • Track and manage works out in the wild: prevent flipping, view transactions and improve collection of ARR and royalties
  • An account on the Artclear portal to keep you organised and able to manage your rights
Artist studio
Artclear Certificate
  • Proof of authenticity and ownership of artworks in your collection, opening new transaction opportunities
  • Enhance the value of works through reduced risk and improved connection with artists, scholars and curators
  • Reduce the cost and time spent on administration through direct links with your service providers including galleries, storage agents, appraisers and insurers
Art collectors
Artclear Certificate

Data Privacy and Security

As experts in building systems for high value transactions and sensitive personal data, we understand the importance of data protection and confidentiality.

  • The Artclear infrastructure puts control of data in your hands
  • All data fully protected and confidential within your secure portal
  • Use of blockchain makes this important data immutable

Artclear Certificates of Authenticity

Permanent digital proof that an individual physical work of art is genuine, whether it is an original work, one of an edition or a photographic print



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Immutably linked to the artwork by Artclear Fingerprint

Nunc arcu velit odio tellus cursus at morbi eu lectus tempus volutpat posuere eget porta pulvinar viverra. Est elit tellus dolor tincidunt sit arcu vel id diam sed felis fames tellus nulla orci est at enim justo elementum vitae.

Digitally signed by the artist, estate or archive that issued the works

Nunc arcu velit odio tellus cursus at morbi eu lectus tempus volutpat posuere eget porta.

Secured on the blockchain

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