May 30, 2024

First Application of Artclear Service at Cromwell Place Exhibition

First Application of Artclear Service at Cromwell Place Exhibition

Artclear's first product, the Certificate of Authenticity (“CoA”), has been successfully trialled at an exhibition of paintings by Andrew Gifford presented by the John Martin Gallery at London art hub Cromwell Place, SW7.

Artclear Certificates of Authenticity represent the first application of the Artclear service for galleries, artists and collectors. Works of art sold in the exhibition have each been issued with an ACoA that gives owners access to indelible proof that their painting is genuine.

As the first ever works of art to use Artclear’s new service, Andrew Gifford’s paintings are unique not just as art, but as milestones in the history of art and technology.

An ACoA is permanent digital proof that a work of art is genuine. Each ACoA incorporates a unique digital code (an “Artclear fingerprint”), derived from the physical properties of the work of art to which it relates and is cryptographically signed by the artist. This signed fingerprint is Artclear’s unique solution to immutably link the physical artwork to its creator.

The fingerprint also forms the basis for re-authenticating the artwork in the future. Once an ACoA has been created, you can check that a picture is the one certified by the artist simply by scanning the work again.

An enhanced version of this product – Artclear Certificates of Title (“ACoT”) – will launch in early 2023. ACoTs will incorporate an ACoA alongside additional features including proof of title for collectors, tools to help galleries manage the secondary market - such as time locks on resales - and improved data to manage the collection of Artists’ Resale Rights.

Andrew Gifford, 6-11 December 2022, Cromwell Place, South Kensington, London SW7 2JE

The exhibition continues until 27 January at the John Martin Gallery, Albemarle Street, London W1S 4JG

Exhibition details:

Find out more about the Artclear ACoAs: